Sunday, March 16, 2014

School Administrations Neglect Mentally Ill Students

Welcome back to my blog! This week, I have taken time to uncover some specific stories of mental health awareness issues in schools, and I've come across some very eye-opening stories.  One story I came across was about an anonymous college student at Princeton University.  This student was prescribed to take certain anti-depressant medication, a medication that he/she overdosed on in 2012.  After realizing what he/she had done, they sought help at once, first going to the Princeton Health Center and then to the hospital.  However, even though this student had immediately recognized the error in their actions, he/she was consequently kicked out of the university and banned from campus.  The hospital had determined that said student wasn't a threat to himself/hersel or the student body.  While the school administration was simply trying to keep the well-being of its entire university in mind, they also failed to understand the reality of the student's situation.  Yes, he/she made a serious mistake, but they also needed help.  Rather than addressing this student's illness and assisting them in their recovery, the school opted to do what was necessary to get the student off its hands.  Unfortunately, there are countless stories similar to this one where school administrations are misguided in their decisions regarding the mentally ill due to their misunderstanding of the situation.  Unsure how to act, schools often decide to simply turn the student away, believing they are doing what's best for the school as a whole.  It is because of situations like these that we need to advocate for the passing of the Mental Health Awareness Act of 2013. Help spread the word! Every student, regardless of any given handicap, has the right to receive assistance as well as an education; they shouldn't have to choose! 


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