Monday, May 19, 2014

Personal Reflection

To wrap up my blog, I would like to end with one final personal reflection post on all the work I have done over the past several weeks regarding this topic and project. From this experience, I've learned not only the logistics of finding a bill and researching it's topic, but I've also learned a lot about mental health awareness itself.  My eyes have truly been opened to the issues and controversies regarding this subject that exists in our society, and more specifically in our education system, today.  However, I've also discovered that these problems won't change unless two things happen.  First, we must make an effort to spread the word of mental health awareness as often as we can.  A problem cannot be solved unless people know about it.  Second, we must than focus our efforts toward finding solutions and changes that can be made for the betterment of mental health awareness. What needs to be changed, and how can we change it? These are the questions we need to be asking ourselves in order to obtain success. The greatest takeaway I have from this project is that it's really quite easy to make a difference and fight for something you believe in if you put your mind to it.  All I needed to do was find a bill, do some research, and then contact a government representative about my findings, my opinions, and my goals.  In the future I'm going to continue to advocate for those who have mental illnesses and join the effort in trying to make our education system as accomodating to their needs as possible.  I will also carry with me the tools I've used to uncover the details of this topic so that I may apply them again when necessary.  My recommendation for you all is to not be afraid to pursue something you believe in, because with the right amount of work and information, a difference can be made!

Friday, May 9, 2014